Sunday, 26 January 2025

Planner Prompt Week 4: Start a Jar of Awesome

The suggestion is to write something that happened that was awesome on a slip of paper and put it in a Jar of Awesome. Every. Day.

We had a Memory Jar. We donated it after years of no use, so I'm not sure that this one is going to work for me.

A notebook, maybe? The Curation planner itself?

I do love this idea. It's a little more nuanced than Daily Gratitude, I think, because sometimes the things that you're grateful for aren't always the awesome thing that happened to you. 

I feel like this one has a lot of pressure attached to it, to be honest. And I think that to remove some pressure off of having an awesome thing happen to you every day, you're going to have to learn to lower your expectations of what is Awesome. Like, maybe the best thing that happened to you today is that you got through the day. The Awesome thing is maybe you got dressed, or remembered to eat. Felt the sun on your face. 

I had a gym coach that always says "Have the best day" when you're leaving the gym. If every day is the best day, that's a lot. Sometimes I'm happy with a good day, or even a mediocre day. Every day can't be the Best day, can it?

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