Confession: I've only read one sample and the two free ebooks on Kindle.
I read a sample of Foster's latest Braden novel, and while I didn't lose any brain cells, I can't say that I learned anything, either. Not that I expect to learn anything from Romance novels, but sex tips at the very least are good. Even better than that is that amourous feeling some books give me. You know, the feeling that makes my newfound addiction to these books justifiable purchases to my husband. IE, he's not complaining because they get me in the mood. Way in the mood. As in his clothes are the ones being ripped off. And the only thing better than that is that feeling and great sex tips.
Anyway, I didn't really get any of that from the sample, but I didn't hate it, so I thought I'd see if the library carried Foster's books. Nope. Price for Kindle? Too expensive. But look! Two free ebooks in the series, so I read them, hoping for at least some great sex scenes as promised by whoever voted these books as a best new series in the Amazon review.
First of all, what sex scenes? Foreplay scenes, yes. Sex scenes, implied. Or rare. And really tame like Foster is actually embarrassed by the act and doesn't want to be dirty in public or something.
Which would be okay. I've read lots of books that allude to or gloss over sex, but make up for it with great and sometimes even sexy writing, even writing that still makes you feel sexy reading it.
Love in Bloom kind of misses that mark. And really, it's more like you're reading an episode of Dr. Phil. Seriously, even the guys are so touchy feely that they put most women I know to shame. Even Jennifer Crusie doesn't blah, blah, blah that much, and if she does, it's intelligent, humorous and entertaining, not a transcript for a self-help TV show on how to be so introspective and self-aware and in touch with your feelings that you too could go from complete slut (male or female) to perfect life mate in a few short chapters. Oh wait. Take a couple chapters to fall to pieces again, then get it together again. Then go back and forth endlessly until the last chapter, where true happily ever after awaits.
BOTTOM LINE: It's not the worst stuff I've read, and if they were priced at less than $3 an eBook (okay maybe 2), I'd think about buying them, but there is so much better out there. They're worth a free look though. Especially if you want some free therapy.
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