Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Travel Theme - tire trouble

Last year family Tupper drove to Manitoba. We managed to blow a few trailer tires.
This year we went to the Kootenays. Different trailer. Same fun.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

An Apology to My Neighbours

My kids are so incredibly loud.

They yell and scream at each other when they're angry.

They yell and shriek with joy.

They yell and holler in their pretend games.

I try to tell them to use their inside voices, and then I remember that their inside voices are really loud. Really, really loud.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

My Kids Are Making Slime

Without my help.

Possible parenting fail. Well, probable. Green Chlorophyll everywhere.

They cleaned it up. With a white towel.

They are learning how not to follow slime recipes, and I'm learning how to not be a control freak.

Good times.