Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Timed Entries

never have time to write, so therefore never have time to blog. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances and a rare avoidance of going back to bed for an hour, I have time this morning. I washed up, got 1/4 dressed, and climbed back in bed but with my laptop and a cup of tea, all because I thought, maybe I'll read. 

Which led to the thought, maybe I should write. It is Wednesday Writer's Workshop day after all. Writing takes me forever, so then I thought, well, we could set a timer. And if the timer goes off before the story is done? Then that's where it ends, my friends. And that's where it gets published.

So, with twenty-two minutes left on the clock, here I am, sipping my tea and coming up with a plan. I think all WWW (Wednesday Writer's Workshop) entries will be timed from now on. They could get five minutes, and they might get forty. Depends on the day.

I will do the same for other entries too, but some entries will have the luxury of not being published until they're done (multiple timed sessions). A huge block for me has been time, and the perceived absence of it. I need to let go of the idea that if I don't have an hour or two, then I don't have time to write. Micro sessions. Set the habit. At least I'll be writing. 

I'll label them appropriately. If I have the time...

I'm going to head into the land of Drafts. There's something about an Astronaut sitting in there. Maybe I'll finish the story, and maybe I won't. But it will get published at the zero mark. Thirteen minutes left.

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