This is from 101 Things Parents Can Do. I think number nine is an excellent thing to do for your children. I truly and honestly do. I'm not sure, however, that my reality is what the folks at Montessori had in mind. . . .
My kids have two shelves for their books. They're very special shelves. They're the bottom two shelves of one of my two bookcases. In fact, if it weren't for my new love of my Kindle, I'd be reclaiming these shelves in a super hurry. I'd still like to. I'd love to get the kids some bookcases of their own. In their own rooms.
But, every time that I think of it, I also think of how they'd have to be suspended from the ceiling and out of reach.
Space being what it is in our home, the bookcases are along the wall behind the dining room table. Easy access. Which is awesome, because my kids LOVE books. LOOOOOVE them. Which is totally awesome!
They love to read them. Well, they love it when someone reads books to them, because let's face it, they can't quite read on their own yet. Almost, but not quite.
They also love to play with books. They make great tunnels for Thomas and all his friends. They stack in really cool piles. And if you stand at the shelf, you can grab them one by one and watch them fly! K2 thinks that that's the coolest.
We now push the chairs back against the bookcases when we're not at the table. It's only a matter of time before K2 figures out how to pull them out of his way, but for now they keep the books safe.
It shouldn't be too much longer, though, before the constant reminders about how books are to be revered, respected and cared for sink in, and they can have their own bookcases in their own rooms, and I can buy more real books for myself!
Oh, wait. If I ever have time to finish reading the stack of books that are hanging out on the piano, I'll need those shelves anyway. . . .
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